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The Fired Ambassador to Ukraine Just Got Caught Conspiring With DNC

Try not to pull on your hair or gnash your teeth. This impeachment nonsense went way past frustrating about two years ago. Now, there are honest-to-goodness Americans who actually believe the Democrats’ narrative. They genuinely believe that these allegations against President Trump have merit.

Let’s correct that misconception. This whole thing is a political hit job based on lies. It’s the same thing as the Mueller investigation, but this time, they actually have less to go on. Trump keeps releasing transcripts so they can’t spin their torrid tales about corruption and lies.

If we’re going to unravel the narrative, we should start with the key witness in the whole thing. Ironically, that person isn’t the whistleblower.

Who Is Marie Yovanovitch?

You know the federal government is too bloated when you can’t even hope to remember the heads of every department. Marie Yovanovitch was the ambassador to Ukraine under President Obama. She still held that position when President Trump took office, but she was fired earlier this year. You can guess why.

Well, she has circled back into prominence. As the Democrats push this impeachment charade, they need co-conspirators — er, witnesses. Yovanovitch, having many Ukrainian contacts, is one of those key witnesses.

She testified before Congress to explain to everyone why the orange man is bad. Part of her testimony was spent making it clear that she wasn’t coordinating with Adam Schiff, the whistleblower or the greater impeachment conspiracy.

It’s very important to Schiff that her testimony is credible. In order to be credible, it can’t appear that she’s just another puppet. Otherwise, we might be inclined to believe that everything she says is a lie. As it turns out, everything she says is a lie.

Ever since Bill Clinton got away with it, they’ve all figured perjury doesn’t matter. This brings us back to Yovanovitch. Remember how she clarified that she wasn’t in contact with Schiff’s office prior to testifying before Congress? There’s proof that’s a lie. Leaked emails show Yovanovitch discussing meetings and private conversations with one of Schiff’s staffers.

That alone is already perjury, but it gets worse. Buried within the leaked emails is a discussion that alludes to the whistleblower. The problem for Yovanovitch is that it’s dated before the complaint was filed. That means Yovanovitch, like Schiff, was in the know before there was supposed to be anything to know.

This strongly suggests that she isn’t an independent witness. She is literally a co-conspirator who helped craft this narrative. As a former ambassador, she knew the right people to implicate in order to make this whole thing feel more credible.

Do you see how this destroys any legitimacy to the entire thing? Of course you do. But, if you share this with a liberal friend, they still might not be convinced.

Let’s summarize. We know that the whistleblower worked with then VP Joe Biden on Ukraine dealings. He worked with Schiff to craft the complaint, breaking every protocol in the process. Then, the complaint was pushed through because the rules mysteriously changed just days before this complaint was made. The lawyers who appeared to have actually scribed the complaint were caught discussing their planned coup against President Trump a couple of years ago. And, this entire group of people was in contact with Yovanovitch before Congress was officially aware of any of this.

This is a cabaal, and they’re literally trying to stage a hostile takeover of our country. It doesn’t get any more serious than that, folks.

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