Patriotic Americans are refusing to allow governors to act like dictators and tread all over their constitutional freedoms. Protests have sprung up across the country objecting to being kept in quarantine and out of work.
These left-wing zealot Governors have found an important ally in Mark Zuckerberg. The Facebook CEO is more than happy to help Democrat leaders leverage the social media platform to upend the guaranteed rights of everyday Americans.
As citizens began to network on the platform to organize peaceful protests against government overreach regarding Stay at Home executive orders, Facebook officials were quick to take it upon themselves to contact state governors in an effort to prevent the Right of Assembly.
“The Governor’s Office is not aware of any Facebook events regarding COVID-19 protests and has not requested Facebook to pull any events down,” Nebraska officials reportedly stated. “Facebook reached out last week to learn more about Nebraska’s social distancing restrictions, and the Governor’s staff provided already publicly available information about Nebraska’s ten-person limit and Directed Health Measures.”
After giving governors a heads-up about plans to exercise their right to protest unjust government actions, Facebook inserted itself on behalf of leftist governors. The social media platform targeted posts that coordinated political dissent and promptly deleted the messages.
On a segment of Good Morning America, former White House Communications Director George Stephanopoulos under President Bill Clinton asked Zuckerberg whether “the fact that Facebook is now being used to organize a lot of these protests to defy social distancing guidelines in states. If somebody trying to organize something like that, does that qualify as harmful misinformation?”
“We do classify that as harmful misinformation, and we take that down,” Zuckerberg confirmed.
Another Facebook spokesman confirmed that anti-shutdown protest organizing posts in California, New Jersey, and Nebraska were also being taken down. “Facebook shuts down anti-quarantine protests at states’ request,” Politico reported. “The world’s largest social network has already removed protest messages in California, New Jersey, and Nebraska from its site at the urging of state governments who say those events are prohibited by stay-at-home orders, a (Facebook) spokesperson said.”
To say that Zuckerberg and his liberal conspirators have failed the First Amendment test would be a grotesque understatement.
Republicans, including President Trump, have urged Americans to follow safe distancing and other COVID-19 health and safety practices. However, they also support the free exercise of constitutional rights, and protesting overly zealous government actions ranks high.
“Some governors have gone too far. Some of the things that happened are maybe not so appropriate,” President Trump said. “I think, in the end, it’s not going to matter because we’re starting to open up our states. And I think they’re going to open up very well.”
The dictator-like excessiveness of Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has garnered national attention. So overzealous is her Stay at Home mandate that four county sheriff’s departments have announced their refusal to follow the guidelines on constitutional grounds.
“We write today to inform the public for our respective counties of our opposition to some of Governor Whitmer’s executive orders,” the four sheriffs tweeted. “While we understand her desire to protect the public, we question some restrictions that she has imposed as overstepping her executive authority. Each of us took an oath to uphold and defend the Michigan Constitution, as well as the U.S. Constitution, and to ensure that your God-given rights are not violated. We believe we are the last line of defense in protecting your civil liberties.”
Gov. Whitmer’s government overreach has been characterized as a “hot mess.” One protest drew a reported 50,000 Michiganders who created a massive traffic jams around the state Capitol building. Protesters flashed signs and honked horns in defiance. The constitutionally-guaranteed protest did not run contrary to CDC social distancing guidelines. However, Whitmer and other governors have run afoul to their oath of office, and Facebook has been their comrade in arms.