There has hardly been a day of late that there hasn’t been accusations of sexual misconduct against a public official or celebrity. The question now is are these isolated incidents or something more.
Former House majority leader Tom DeLay believes the current rash of accusations is more than the story of a few isolated women. He says that Republicans survived the “war on women” tact taken by Hillary Clinton and others and now they need to realize they are now facing another more coordinated plan.
We’re going to have another war on women that’s never worked for the Democrats at all but it’s a war we’re going to have to stand up and deal with. And frankly I welcome it.
The reason Democrats are so obsessed with this war is two-fold: history and the future of the presidency.
Recent history does not paint a very good picture of the state of women under their supposed champions, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Democrats hold a magnifying glass to Donald Trump’s tweets because they hope to have people focus on words rather than real concrete actions. So while bus loads of progressives descend on Washington wearing p***y hats, attention is drawn away from what Democrats have actually done to give women a better quality of life.
According to Stephen Moore of The Washington Times, the poverty rate among women rose to a 20-year high last year at 16.1 percent. “The female labor force participation rate,” said Moore, “is now 56.4 percent, the lowest in more than 25 years … . An all-time high 57 million women over the age of 16 are out of the labor force today and not collecting a paycheck.”
CNN reports that data from the Census Bureau shows that 3.7 million women fell into poverty during Obama’s terms and the median annual wage for women dropped $732. confirms 92.3 percent of the jobs lost in Mr. Obama’s first term were lost by women. Of the 740,000 jobs that were lost, 683,000 were held by women.
Trump does say some things on occasion that are offensive. Perhaps his tweets should be guarded more. But, while Democrat leaders like Clinton and Obama say the right things they deliver the opposite of what they promise.
Rush Limbaugh sees the defeat of Roy Moore in Alabama as the template Democrats have settled on to defeat future Republican candidates. The template is simple – bury a candidate in an avalanche of unverified harassment claims.
“Sexual harassment and the mistreatment of women or others in the workplace is a legitimate thing,” said Limbaugh, “but it’s now just been corrupted and weaponized and made to look like a political opposition-research weapon … that is a powerful weapon the Democrats have decided to use. And believe me, as we speak, they are behind closed doors creating further stratagems using this. And they are picking their targets. You’re going to see more of it, I predict.”
In the end, the renewed calls of “war on women” is aimed at removing Donald Trump from office. During her “Angle” commentary on December 6th, Laura Ingraham predicted that Democrats were “sacrificing” Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) so they can turn their attention on previous allegations of sexual misconduct against Trump.
Exactly as Ingraham called it, the Democrats plan begin to come into focus the week after Franken’s resignation. During that week:
Three of Trump’s accusers re-aired their allegations prompting several Democratic senators to call for Trump to resign.
A Trump tweet became an opportunity to manufacture a supposed attack on women. In the tweet, the President called Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) a ‘lightweight … who would do anything” to garner campaign donations.”
“Would do anything” of course meant that Donald Trump had sexually harassed a female senator and should be impeached.
Ingraham noted on her show yesterday that, “Kirsten Gillibrand is the de-facto leader now of the ‘Get Trump Crusade.’ Do you remember her voicing such concern for Bill Clinton’s accusers when he was appearing at her fundraisers? Neither do I.”
She noted that Trump’s accusers called for a congressional investigation of the allegations just as more than 100 Democrats did the same thing on Tuesday.
Delay told Newsmax, “We’ve already seen that the Democrats are ready to move,” … They’re already calling for [President Donald] Trump to resign because of [sex harassment] allegations and so we know what they’re going to do next year.”
It seems this war has a very short fuse.
~ American Liberty Report