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The School Shooting You Didn’t Hear About Last Week

There’s been a lot of news recently. The NFL has lost its mind. Hurricanes and earthquakes have wrought massive destruction. North Korea is as crazy as ever.

In the midst of it all, we could really go for some good news. Don’t count on the mainstream media for that.

While you were overwhelmed with the popular stories dominating national discussions, a school shooting in Illinois went almost completely unnoticed. Don’t worry. This is a rare moment of bravery and a win we could all stand to hear about.

What Happened

On September 20, an Illinois school reported an active shooter. An armed gunman walked into the student-filled cafeteria and opened fire. There was a confrontation and the shooter was ultimately detained.

In the aftermath, one student was wounded and taken to the hospital to be released later that day. No lives were lost. Since the situation was resolved, the shooter has been charged by local authorities and a teacher who was present for the whole thing has emerged as a hero.

Why haven’t you heard about this? We’ll get to that, but first let’s give praise where it is due.

The Hero

Angela McQueen is a math and P.E. teacher at the school that suddenly found itself faced with terror. She is a member of a staff that was very recently retrained on active shooter responses, but she took on herself to go above and beyond minimal requirements. She learned to physically respond to shooters and trained in ways to disrupt and disarm.

When the shooter appeared last Wednesday, that training was put to good use. With no hesitation or regard to her own well-being, she confronted the shooter. Using her training, she disrupted his aim and five to six shots were fired ineffectively. She was ultimately able to fully subdue the student and resolved the situation.

One student was shot during the confrontation but is expected to make a full recovery. In short, this brave teacher saved countless lives with decisive, heroic action and prevented another Sandy Hook from devastating the country.

Why the Media Fails

Now that you know the details, do you feel that this is worthy of national attention? It’s easy to stick with the common narrative that bad news sells, but there is more at stake in this discussion. Local news did report the event, but it has been silence and crickets on the national stage.

The simple reason is because this story doesn’t fit the liberal agenda. The gun haters can’t fathom that an armed shooter could walk into a school, open fire and then be stopped before children are killed. Their narrative on guns, like all of their narratives, has so overwhelmingly demonized firearms that they forget that it is ultimately a person operating and responsible for the danger of a gun. McQueen’s heroic actions put to the lie their notion that gun-wielding maniacs can only be stopped by outlawing guns.

This situation also proves that the most effective way to deal with school shootings is to have a swift physical response. McQueen’s actions were beyond admirable, but an armed response could have ended the situation before a second shot was fired, and it would have required risking fewer lives in the process. If an unarmed hero can stop a shooter, what could a trained professional with proper equipment accomplish?

Mostly, the media has ignored this story because they have to. If the shooter doesn’t massacre innocent children, then the left can’t seize the opportunity to push their “morally superior” stance. Since their arguments rely on warped morality instead of logic and rationality, they have to silence any facts that counter their ideology. No kids died, so they can’t tug our heartstrings to call for stringent gun control.

If this sounds silly more than terrifying, then allow me to phrase it better. The mainstream media that has completely aligned with the left shares their terrifying opinion: it is better for innocent children to be massacred and advance their agenda than for a hero to rise up and stop a tragedy. It should come as no surprise, but the same core group of Americans who support widespread prenatal infanticide are actively rooting to see America’s children gunned down in their schools.

~ American Liberty Report

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