Stephen Miller: President Trump’s Field General in the Fight Against Illegal Immigration

Stephen Miller the 32-year-old field general in the President’s push to stem illegal immigration speaks his own mind but definitely knows that he has the job he does because he and Donald Trump believe in the same things.

Consider the following sound bites of Miller in press conferences:

“If nobody’s disagreeing with what you’re doing then you’re probably not doing anything that matters in the scheme of things.”

“Our opponents, the media, and the whole world will soon see as we begin to take further action that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.”

“We have multiple tools across multiple fronts to ensure that we are preventing terrorist infiltration of our country, and to ensure our country shares our values and support our people.”

“I would go so far as to say that almost everything that’s been said and done about the implementation by those criticizing it is false and in some cases, the criticism also verges on the hysterical.”

“Our question as a government is to who is our duty? Our duty is to U.S. citizens and U.S. workers to promote rising wages for them.”

During the most recent budget battle and the government shut down, there was little doubt that Stephen rankled the ire of just the right people.

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina is no fan of President Trump and it follows that he told a friendly press, “As long as Stephen Miller is in charge of negotiating immigration, we are going nowhere.” Then, in what Graham meant as an insult he added, “He’s been an outlier for years.” Proof that the establishment on both sides still doesn’t understand the mind of the voters who elected the President. Stephen Miller does.

Just over a decade since Miller graduated from the training ground of the boo’s from his left-leaning Santa Monica High School classmates, he is ‘the’ voice of Donald Trump’s vision for America.

Central Connecticut State University’s Jay Bergman notes that Donald Trump trusts the 32-year-old enough to have given him the task of transforming his ideas into policy speeches and [making that] “accessible to the layman.”

“Miller understands Trump’s base from a rhetorical standpoint and also a policy standpoint,” said Matt Mackowiak, chair of the Travis County Republicans in Texas Republican and a consultant. He added, “That’s what makes him so effective for some and dangerous for others.”

From his contentious high school days to his defense of Duke Lacrosse players in that now debunked scandal, to his time working under former Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Miller prepared himself for the place in the spotlight he now enjoys.

Andrew Logan, Sessions’ press secretary recalls that the Attorney General relied heavily on Miller as his communications director. “He sort of necessarily became involved in all of the policy areas as well,” said Logan. Miller was involved in writing nearly all of Sessions’ speeches.

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter was asked by The Atlantic if she influenced Miller’s take on immigration. “I wish I could claim credit but I can’t,” Coulter said. She later wrote in an email:

Someone with Miller’s gargantuan IQ could have been making millions on Wall Street, hundreds of thousands as a lawyer—but he’s been working in the Senate because he loves this country and the people who live here.

Garrett Murch, editor for Laura Ingraham’s website LifeZette and former staffer for Jeff Sessions wrote:

Stephen’s passion for the plight of middle Americans … is unmatched, as he believes (correctly in my opinion) that elites in both culture and government who disdain them have left them behind over recent decades––and Stephen is determined to change course … It is only fitting that some of those responsible for the elevation of the elites and the plight of the middle class may wish to damage him.

Miller comes close to matching his boss’ critique of the press. During an appearance on CNN he told Jake Tapper that he and his network were guilty of “spectacularly embarrassing false reporting.” When Tapper accused him of refusing to answer his questions, Miller angered Tapper saying there was only “one viewer that you care about right now”.

Miller took that as a supreme compliment because there is only one voice he cares about – the American people.

~ American Liberty Report

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