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North Korea Signals It Will Keep its Promise by Removing Anti-American Displays

North Korea has long been the world leader in anti-American sentiment and displays. Their propaganda efforts have spared no expense for many decades, and even when Americans have toured the country, they have been subjected to countless displays that villainize and ridicule the U.S. Apparently, all of that is changing.

The rogue nation made news again over the last week, but this time it was for something unexpected. Anti-American propaganda has been conspicuously disappearing from the entire country. Where they once had souvenirs, posters and regular broadcasts, all devoted to stirring anti-American sentiment, they now have trinkets and displays demonstrating a friendly relationship between the two countries. It’s a huge turnaround, and it’s no small deal.

For months, the world has been wondering how serious Kim Jong Un is about these new negotiations. After all, the country has a long history of making and then breaking agreements. This shift in propaganda shows that the country’s leaders need the population to be on board with a friendlier relationship with the U.S. More than Kim actually appearing at meetings and summits, this is the signal that North Korea really might keep their promise this time to denuclearize and try to join the global fold.

Even while this has been happening, a different form of propaganda has reignited within the States. Liberal media has declared all-out war against traditional American ideals. All of this is centered around the recent immigration news barrage, and it all carries a distinctly anti-American rhetoric. Mainstream media outlets have directly called the U.S. a human rights violator and source of international evil.

Remember, the only event that actually happened is that Trump enforced laws written by liberal politicians and upheld by liberal courts. It’s literally their own policy that they are demonizing, but because Trump did it, they hate it with utmost vitriol.

Perhaps the most ridiculous aspect of this rhetoric is that they are criticizing America on the one thing where it leads the world in: compassion. The United States has, by far, the softest immigration enforcement on the planet. There are no caveats or exceptions to this statement. Every single country in the world, whether recognized by major leaders or not, more strictly enforces their immigration than the U.S.

And, this is still true after Trump’s change to a “zero tolerance” policy. We’re the nicest in the world, and the leftist media is calling us human rights violations, terrorists and international criminals for it.

So, we have two different takes on the U.S. One is increasing in favorability and abandoning decades of ridiculous, harsh rhetoric. The other is doubling down yet again on the notion that the founding principles of America are evil. Any time you can honestly say that a group has surpassed North Korea in extremism, it’s time to stop and reexamine things. At this point, there are only two possibilities. Either North Korea is wrong to soften their stance, or the left is wrong in their assessment. Which is it?

It’s too easy to throw the left under the bus. Let’s give it a fair examination. The general American policy towards North Korea has not really changed in 60 years. Trump is more vocal about things, but the policy of harsh sanctions until they give up the nukes is standard policy. Multiple times, we’ve offered to change the status quo, but giving up their nuclear arsenal was always part of the deal. That hasn’t changed. At all. North Korea has changed their outlook because extremism was destroying them – not because the U.S. suddenly got nicer.

As for the left, they also changed their narrative without a prompt. Immigration law hasn’t changed since 2007. That was before Obama. The left entered into this extremist view based on literally nothing. They decided that they needed to be more like North Korea (or maybe we should call it the old North Korea) for reasons we can’t fathom. Simply put, they are embracing the same extremism that North Korea recently abandoned.

In the end, we knew this conclusion from the start. The left really does hate America. They want to see it destroyed, so adopting the self-destructive rhetoric of North Korea seems an inevitable step towards that aim.

Let’s say this once again for anyone who is still taking this lightly. The American left has demonstrably made themselves a more potent and extreme threat to this nation than North Korea. Remember that in November.

~ American Liberty Report

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