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More Babies = No Income Tax? Honey, Where’s That Barry White Album?

Sometimes an idea is such a multi-layered bundle of common sense that it brings a tear to your eye just thinking about it. Problem: Drugs and Mexican rapists pouring across an open border. Idea: Build a wall. Problem: Regulations strangling business growth. Idea: Cut regulations. Problem: “Free” trade gutting the middle class. Idea: Call the stupid deals off and write new ones.

The President of Hungary has come up with an idea that is so incredibly genius, it may very well blow your mind. It is a nation-saving idea that is so crazy… it just might work!

For those who don’t know, Hungarian President Viktor Orban is that nation’s Donald Trump. Orban is a hardcore Hungarian nationalist. He’s proud and unapologetic about his love for his people, his language, his culture and his nation’s faith. He hates globalism with a vengeance because he sees it for the evil that it is.

When Angela Merkel invited the entire Muslim world to invade the European Union and conquer it in 2015, Viktor Orban was one of the few leaders with the guts to say, “How about… no?”

Hungary quickly erected a border wall and stationed troops along it to keep Merkel’s Muslims out. Orban didn’t fall for the liberal EU platitudes about “diversity,” because he understood that if you take in hordes of foreigners, you cannot maintain the original character of your own nation.

Orban basically said to the approaching hordes of invaders, “Get off my lawn! Keep walkin’! The French are still self-loathing enough to take you, but you will not set foot on Hungarian soil.”

I’m a fan.

Orban was smart enough to keep the Muslim hordes out, so today, Hungary is not facing the catastrophic wave of gang-raped native women at the hands of the diversity.

Angela Merkel had to force the media to cover up another horrific story just last week. Three 16-year-old boys on their way home from a concert were pushed in front of an oncoming subway train at full speed. Merkel cracked down and forbade the press from covering the story at all, because people might think ill of their new diversity. Do you know where Muslims are not pushing teenage boys in front of trains? Hungary!

Unfortunately for Orban, his nation has tragically low birth rates, like much of Western Civilization these days. That’s a problem that requires a genius solution, so he came up with one. Ready for it?

If Hungarian couples have four children, they pay no income tax FOR LIFE.

Break out the Barry White albums, folks, because that is pure genius right there. Orban is incentivizing Hungary’s future for the families that decide to show up for it. Stop and think for a moment about how many of our own problems in America we could solve with a pro-family policy like that.

Since the Supreme Court “legalized” baby-killing in 1973, Americans have aborted more than 60 million babies. And for every baby that has been “Ralph Northamed” out of existence, the federal government has brought in one foreign replacement via the slow national suicide known as our immigration policy. Does anyone else find the symmetry of those two numbers to be a little bit eerie?

60 million aborted babies, 60 million immigrants in the same timeframe. America has sustained the largest foreign invasion in human history through our immigration policies. And we’re doing it to replace our own children.

School districts are overcrowded, and some districts have to hire as many as 90 separate translators to handle all of the different foreign languages. No wonder kids in communist Vietnam who attend school in their bare feet on dirt floors are outscoring “American” kids in testing.

Foreign values are not American values, no matter how many times Nancy Pelosi or Ocasio-Cortez tell us that immigrants are more American than we are. No amount of assimilation will ever convince a majority of immigrants that the Rights of Englishmen and the Common Law which our Constitution and Bill of Rights were based on are important. That wasn’t their fight and they want socialism.

Orban’s plan would work for any failing western nation, including America. If you want to save your nation, that’s how you do it. Offer a massive benefit for those who choose to make the sacrifices necessary to sustain your civilization.

In the meantime, we have to get our own wall built first. But hopefully once that’s done, someone will put a bug in President Trump’s ear about how to make America really great again with a pro-family policy like Hungary’s.

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