You hear about more Trump scandals every day. To the rational mind, every scandal is clearly blown out of proportion, but that doesn’t stop the media from doing its thing. What if we were to compare overblown Trump scandals to underreported Democrat scandals? Is it possible we can find instances of the left behaving in exactly the way they try to condemn Trump? Of course it is. Enjoy these examples.
FBI Directors
Trump fired Comey. Despite how hard the left clamored for this after Hillary lost the election, now that Trump did it, it’s clearly an act of evil and corruption. Let’s compare that to the last (and first) time an FBI director was fired. That was done by Bill Clinton in 1993. The firing was rationalized by an extreme smear campaign against William Sessions. That was all manufactured to distract from the fact that the FBI was already investigating the Clintons in regards to corruption claims.
This was barely covered by the media, but worse is what happened next. As soon as Sessions was gone, Vince Foster was found dead and all of his personal and professional data went missing. Despite being a friend of the Clintons, Foster was linked to the FBI investigation in question.
Ultimately the Clintons avoided any serious ramifications, mostly because this was yet another event that was reviewed primarily by Kenneth Starr. When you compare the lack of coverage and transparency, Trump’s scandal suddenly looks pretty tame. So far it has a body count of zero.
Treatment of Women
Let’s compare Trump to Bill Clinton again. Trump continues to get flack for inappropriate comments that he made in private more than a decade ago. The conversation happened long before he entertained a political career, and it involved nothing more than vulgar words.
Clinton, on the other hand, had more than a dozen cases of rape and sexual assault filed against him. All were dropped when accusers came under intense political and media pressure, generally having their reputations ruined by the firestorms.
None of this has been covered by mainstream media. Just to recap, Trump said something mean and it continues to be a major issue more than six months after the story broke. Clinton actually sexually assaulted women and then used his power to bully them into dropping charges and no one seems to care.
Foreign Policy
So far, Trump has been attacked as a destroyer of U.S. relations, warmonger and environmental killer over issuing two military orders. Just two. Obama’s presidency was littered with botched foreign policy, but let’s narrow the comparison to just one situation: Operation Fast and Furious.
In this brilliant scheme, Obama approved the illegal sale of U.S. weapons to Mexican cartels. How did that end? A U.S. border patrol agent was killed by those firearms. The situation was so serious that the Attorney General was brought up on contempt charges by the House, and Obama used Executive Privilege to protect him. Have you even heard mention of this issue before? Right-wing outlets reported on the situation, but it was largely ignored by mainstream media.
Health Care
If I hear one more time about how Republicans have stripped 20 million Americans of their health care, I might go crazy. First, not a single American has lost coverage so far.
Second, as of January 2017, only 10 million Americans ever signed up for Obamacare in the first place. In perhaps the biggest omission of coverage by mainstream media, initial Obamacare participation estimates were wildly inflated. Less than half the number officially reported have actually joined Obamacare exchanges.
On top of that, the largest insurer still in exchanges, UnitedHealth, lost over $700 million last year. Neither of these facts have made major news outlets. They have loosely reported on the fact that American life expectancy is in decline, but they have missed the correlation between that decline and the implementation of Obamacare.
Conflict of Interest
Finally, we come to one of the left’s favorite topics. How viciously has Trump been accused of conflicts of interest over his business management? Conversely, Obama committed a serious breach, and you probably never heard about it. After being elected, he committed over $500 million of government funds for a green stimulus package. This money found its way to Solyndra, which just so happened to be a major campaign donor.
Despite the government money, Solyndra still went under. Poor management and disappearing money were the primary cause. Has Trump done anything close to funneling hundreds of millions of dollars to campaign donors who then skimmed the cash into their own pockets? No.
For every Trump scandal you find on major news outlets, there were half a dozen committed by the left. They often parallel the complaints you here but were orders of magnitude worse in practice. As always, it comes down to the mainstream media wanting to maintain their hold on political power. Their blitz against Trump is worse than ever, but, unsurprisingly, America only grows more unresponsive to their efforts.
~ American Liberty Report