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Maine Democrats Say Yes to Female Genital Mutilation

In an effort to show the American people how truly awful they are, Democrat legislators in the state of Maine voted almost unanimously against a bill that would have banned the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM). Only one Democrat crossed the aisle to vote in favor of American values. For the rest of the Maine Democrats – 77 in total – diversity now trumps basic human decency.

FGM is a practice that is utterly alien to America. It is primarily seen in Muslim nations and a few other outhouse countries in Africa. Unfortunately for America, we are now the one stupid nation in the world which offers unlimited immigration from the Third World, no questions asked. Just come on in, bring the family! Heck, bring your whole village!

Here are some observations about the big mess in Maine.

First, the excuses among the Democrat opponents of the anti-FGM bill were among the very flimsiest we’ve seen, even for Democrats. The primary argument was the same one that they always throw out when they are caught committing vote fraud: They claimed that female genital mutilation doesn’t happen in Maine.

This was a curious objection, partly because it is a blatant lie. Maine has a sizeable population of Somali immigrants and refugees. Due to the explosion of FGM in Maine, the state now receives $200,000 a year in federal taxpayer money to try to prevent the barbaric practice. (Michigan and Minnesota are the other hotspots for Somali immigration; those states are curiously seeing an explosion of FGM in little girls as well.)

Sponsors of the bill and even Maine’s governor begged to differ with the Democrats’ excuse. They’ve talked to medical professionals who see the results in emergency rooms when the witch doctor or the mullah has shaky hands.

The next big lie in all of this is that these immigrants simply want their shot at the American dream. If that were true, they would abandon their Third World “cultural practices” like FGM, learn English, find jobs or open up a business, and try to fit in.

Many of the current crop of immigrants that we’re letting in doesn’t seem interested in any of those things. Minnesota’s Somalis were recently complaining that they couldn’t buy halal meats with their food stamps. These people have no intention of assimilating and becoming Americans. Pursuing the American dream is as foreign to them as FGM is to us.

It’s all water under the bridge now, though. It’s been years since our politicians held that robust and spirited debate on the floor of Congress and decided, courageously and totally out in the open, that America would throw open its doors and begin welcoming Somalis and other Third Worlders in.

Oh, wait. We stand corrected. That debate never took place. The American people never had a say in who gets in. No one really seems to know who decided on our immigration numbers or when that decision was made.

The biggest observation about the vote in Maine is that bipartisanship is no longer possible or even desirable with the Democrats. Only one of them out of 78 had the basic human decency to cross the aisle and vote for a bill to protect little girls from a pagan practice that will scar them literally and figuratively for life. Their partisanship has blinded them to the point where Democrats are no longer Americans in spirit.

In years past, Republicans and Democrats used to be able to come together to get things done, because we understood that we were one people and our nation was worth preserving. Democrats now hate America so much that they call for increased numbers of FGMers and vote to protect them.

We have one last rhetorical question for the Democrats who are now the party of female genital mutilation (as far as we’re concerned). Just how far does your cultural tolerance for immigrants and refugees extend?

Reason magazine points out that certain Hindu sects called for a widow to be thrown on her husband’s funeral pyre. Would Democrats allow that? If a cannibal from Papua New Guinea somehow arrives on our shores (perhaps he could hook up with some Somalis as they’re on their way here), would the Democrats demand that we respect his cultural practices?

Since you won’t protect babies in the womb and won’t protect a little girl from a savage and barbaric surgery that she is unable to protest, where do you draw the line, Democrats? We’d really like an answer to that question. Chop, chop!

~ American Liberty Report

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